Friday, January 20, 2012

Look at me, I`m flying!

For people who know that they have flying dreams, I`m sure you`ll be able to relate to this dream.

If you like the excerpt, please tweet the page and by all means, read all the other dream adventure stories available at:

The Parthenon

I was at a well attended party at a Parthenon-type structure which had a long roof set over white marble columns. The ceiling at this marvelous place was about 60 feet high and at the top of the columns where the roof was joined there were several dramatic but beautiful gargoyles. The room was partitioned in half and I was in the half with all the people. It was standing room only. The atmosphere was very festive and I wanted to entertain the guests. I floated above the crowd and did some acrobatic maneuvers in the air about 20 feet up. I did a few somersaults, figure eights, and flew in wide circles for everyone to observe and enjoy. I requested some upbeat music and then began to air dance. I flew higher so that I could spin around, dive down, and fly back up again. All that activity made me feel a little too warm. Without stopping the air dancing, I took off some clothes one piece at a time and watched as each piece fell so far to the ground. I sensed that the crowd approved of my striptease performance even though I still wearing a bathing suit and ballet slippers.

After a while, I wanted to

Friday, January 6, 2012

1st Book Excerpt

See that woman in the image? She`s about to cross over into a place where logic and the usual order of things is ignored, or at least put on the back burner. Gravity, not a problem. Fly over any city or place you choose and see what the view looks like from up there. Wish you could have said something to someone, but missed your chance? Again, no obstacles - remember? Just time travel back to when/where you need to go and change the outcome. Say you need to get around without being seen. Didn`t you know how easily and quickly invisibilty can be obtained? It`s simply a matter of walking over to that floating mirror up there and making the connection.

Choice tidbits from the Visits to Dream Town book will be posted a few times each month. Check back again to see other postings and feel free to leave a comment.

Grand Theft, Auto/Creepy People

 I was hanging around a group of people and only knew a couple of them. Others were friends of friends. They were definitely scruffy outsider types. What made them outsiders was that they were living, but not exactly alive. I wanted to see more of what they were about and they were trying to get me to become like them. I was very hesitant to do that, even though there was something appealing about them. This fringe element of society had their own set of rules which were flexible and arbitrary. They pretty much did whatever they wanted to without worrying about any consequences. Some of the people in this group that had been this way for a while were kind of smug, as if they were above it all.

There was one especially grungy man who obviously had been this way for a long time. He became impatient with me watching them and asking questions about them. He grabbed my left arm and then jabbed his pointy thumbnail through my skin just above my wrist. This was they way they all transformed into whatever they were. I knew there would be no turning back for me after this. So then I... 

To see what happens in the rest of the story and to read others, check out